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First intermediate dental examination (Z1 examination)

The first section of the dental examination is taken at the earliest at the end of the fourth semester of the study of dentistry. This is an oral examination in the subjects

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Biochemistry and molecular biology
  • Microscopic and macroscopic anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Dental propaedeutics

The exam lasts 30 to 45 minutes per subject.


Winter term 2023/24

Registration deadline 10.01.2024
Late submission deadline


Implementation of the Z1 exam in Düsseldorf in the period expected 08.03.-20.03.2024

Summer term 2024

Registration deadline 10.06.2024
Late submission deadline


Implementation of the Z1 exam in Düsseldorf in the period to be announced


You must submit the application documents to the Landesprüfungsamt NRW by 10 January or by 10 June of each year.

State Examination Office for Medicine, Psychotherapy and Pharmacy

PO Box 30 08 65
40408 Düsseldorf

You can find the application documents on the website of the State Examination Office.

The application for admission to the First Section of the Dental Examination must be accompanied by the following documents, either as originals or as certified copies:

  • a proof of identity
  • proof of university entrance qualification and, in the case of certificates obtained abroad, also the certificate of recognition issued by the Landesprüfungsamt (State Examination Office)
  • proof of the periods of study

If the recognition did not go through us also

  • proof of training in first aid (not older than 3 years at the time of application) and
  • the certificate of nursing service

We send the following documents digitally to the state examination office

  • the certificates of regular and successful participation in the prescribed teaching events (Annex 1 to § 20 paragraph 1 sentence 1 number 4)
  • proof of training in first aid (not older than 3 years at the time of application)
  • the certificate of nursing service

During the first two years of study, you will attend a total of eight subject blocks with human medicine content and up to four dental medicine courses. At the end of each subject block, there is a written, interdisciplinary final block examination. The contents of the dental courses are examined at the end of the semester. Thus, by the end of the 2nd year of study (cumulative), you will have acquired all of the required credits.

  • On the one hand, at least 60% of the maximum achievable points must be obtained in each of the block final examinations.
  • In the case of subjects taught over several subject blocks, you must achieve at least 60% of the achievable points for that subject in each subject. Here, this 60% refers to the total achievable subject points of all relevant block final examinations.
  • Each examination can only be repeated twice.

The following subject-related certificates of achievement (according to § 20 paragraph 1 sentence 1 number 4 ZApprO) must be submitted:

  • Practical course in physics for students of dentistry
  • Practical course in chemistry for students of dentistry
  • Practical course in physiology
  • Practical course of biochemistry and molecular biology
  • Practical course of macroscopic anatomy
  • Practical course of microscopic anatomy
  • Internship of professional field exploration
  • Exercise in medical terminology
  • Practical course of dental propaedeutics with emphasis on preventive dentistry
  • Practical course of dental propaedeutics with emphasis on dental technology   
  • Training in first aid according to §13 ZApprO
  • Nursing service of one month according to §14 ZApprO.

Admission to the First Section of the Dental Examination can only be granted if you meet all admission requirements. The summons for all examination dates will be sent by the State Examination Office.

Non-admission to the first section of the dental examination occurs if

  • the application has not been submitted in due time,
  • the application has not been submitted in due form,
  • the required documents have not been enclosed or have not been submitted in due time,
  • the respective section of the dental examination may not be repeated, or
  • the student is not eligible to take the examination.

In order to withdraw from examinations, there must be an important reason (e.g. illness). You must inform the State Examination Office of this immediately. If the withdrawal is approved, the examination in the respective subject is considered not to have been taken.
If the approval for the withdrawal is not granted or if you should not immediately communicate the reasons for the withdrawal, the examination in the respective subject is considered as not passed.

You have passed the First Section of the Dental Examination if the grade in each subject is at least "adequate".

The First Section of the Dental Examination will not be continued once it has been determined that the oral examination has not been passed in two subjects.

If you have failed the oral examination in only one subject, it must be repeated in that subject.  You may only repeat a subject twice in total. If you have failed the oral examination in more than one subject, the First Section of the Dental Examination must be repeated in total.

The First Section of the Dental Examination may be repeated twice. A further repetition is not permitted even after studying dentistry again.

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